
15 October 2021

Smart working, turning a challenge into an opportunity: the Mashfrog approach

Smart working emerged as a requirement to face the challenge of the pandemic, which Mashfrog Group saw as an opportunity to improve employee well-being and optimise workflows.


The pandemic changed our lifestyle in many ways, first and foremost, our work habits: companies and employees found themselves facing a paradigm shift that had never been seen before throughout history. However, the challenge of smart working also introduced some significant opportunities, at least for the companies that managed to seize them. Among these is Mashfrog Group, which succeeded in recognising flexible working as an opportunity to improve the organisation of work and the work-life balance of its employees. 

Smart working figures

The lockdown imposed by the pandemic forced many public and private companies to resort to smart working to enable employees to continue carrying out their duties without heading into the office. This working method was still little practised and not widely known, so much so that, according to an ISTAT research, the companies that chose this form of work amidst the pandemic went from 15% to 77%. Such a hugely significant change inevitably generated a revolution, especially concerning the organisation of work and all the aspects that concern it. From the practical management of tasks to be carried out to communicating with colleagues, we had to learn to manage every practice efficiently, even remotely. Smart working also introduced a new work-life balance for workers, who, by no longer having to go to the office, found they had more, higher-quality time to devote to themselves and their families. 

While some companies proved they are not yet capable of adapting to these critical changes, others benefited greatly, both regarding work operations and managing their employees: Mashfrog Group is among the latter. 

Smart working at Mashfrog Group

The introduction of smart working at Mashfrog dates back to May 2019, when it was introduced as a test project. This is why the company was already well prepared to continue with this working method at the beginning of the first lockdown in March 2020; a method that has invariably been considered in line with its social sustainability objectives. In fact, at Mashfrog, we believe that independent work, focus on a work-life balance and employee well-being are crucial aspects to be safeguarded in order to improve the quality of our employees' work. 

Smart working was not a negative imposition for Mashfrog, but rather the natural evolution of a process that had already begun well before the pandemic and which will continue even after. Mashfrog encourages and supports working from home while enabling everyone to head into the offices when the need arises, understanding that working on-site also has positive aspects. At the foundation of this decision-making freedom, trust in our staff is, of course, fundamental. During these months of the pandemic, our staff have shown that they are able to achieve excellent results even when working remotely. 

Following a series of employee surveys, it emerged that smart working had improved their lives without negatively impacting productivity; instead, it had allowed them to manage their work better and gain more time to devote to their family or their own passions. 

This is why smart working has become a structural measure in the organisation of work processes at Mashfrog, allowing workers to choose how and, above all, where to carry out their work, aware that the professional world has now irreversibly changed. If companies know how to grasp the positive elements, they can also greatly benefit from this transformation.